
Volunteers Needed for 112WATCH Project

Help as a volunteer and engage in hands-on human rights work, helping 112Watch and its partners accomplish critical research and advocacy.

112Watch and its partners mobilise volunteers to address some of the most pressing issues of our time because we believe that:

  • everyone has the power to advance human rights, especially public participation, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly and association, and that

  • no one should be harrassed, tortured or disappeared, especially for their political opinions.

Volunteers engage in hands-on human rights work, helping 112Watch and its partners accomplish critical research and advocacy.

As such, you can volunteer from anywhere and as there are many important fights ahead, we’ll plug you in wherever you are most passionate, or wherever you are needed most.

Let’s make a more just society, make it a better place for us. Please fill in the form below.


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