
Injustice of Thailand's Article 112 Must Stop 112Watch aims to halt the Thai authorities' escalating use of Article 112.

Project Goals

In striving for networking and coalition and consensus building on the issue of Article 112 at the level of the international organisations, this project aims at accomplishing one quintessential outcome: Agreement among sponsors/champions to work, when possible, toward more forceful advocacy on, firstly, the issue of Article 112 at such international level through their existing networks, and secondly, other issues affected by the use of Article 112, such as freedom of expression, safety of human rights defenders, and so on. The aim is to work with agencies within the framework of the United Nations and the European Union to acknowledge the severity of Article 112 on human rights and to reconsider and to adopt a plan/strategy toward resolving it.

The project began on 1 September 2021. We hope to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Networking
  • Searching for sponsors/champions
  • Participating in International forum on human rights
  • Organising webinars with potential sponsors/champions

Principally, the task is to facilitate learning (in regard to Article 112) and to gain support from sponsors/champions. Ultimately, we strive for the Thai government to proceed with the reform of the Article 112.

Bangkok 2020. High school students gathered in front of the Ministry of Education to protest against the dictatorship regime of Thai government. Photo: kan Sangtong / Shutterstock.com
Bangkok 2020. High school students gathered in front of the Ministry of Education to protest against the dictatorship regime of Thai government. Photo: kan Sangtong / Shutterstock.com

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