Victim of Article 112 Confronts his Attacker in Japan's Court
The attack follows a pattern of plotted assaults against critics of the monarchy residing outside Thailand.
May 21, 2022
Pavin Chachavalpongpun, critic of the Thai monarchy, charged under lese-majeste law, attended a court hearing on May 19, 2022 in Kyoto, Japan, in regards to his case from 2019 in which he was attacked by a hooded man in his apartment in Kyoto. Pavin is convinced that the mastermind was the Thai palace and that the attack against him followed a pattern of plotted assaults against critics of the monarchy residing outside Thailand.
At the court hearing, the defendant, Tatsuhiko Sato, a 43 year-old Japanese man, admitted his guilt but declined to reveal who hired him. The prosecutors suggested two-year imprisonment for Sato. Meanwhile, the investigation continues.
Read more:
Japan Times
NHK World
NHK NewsWeb Kyoto (Japanese)

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