Vacharaesorn Vivacharawongse, 42, posted this photo of himself in a tuk-tuk after his arrival in Thailand (Photo: Vacharaesorn Vivacharawongse, Facebook)
Is There a Succession Crisis in the Thai Monarchy?
Pavin Chachavalpongpun, founder of 112WATCH, wrote this in his latest op-ed at the Council on Foreign Relations on the homecoming of Vacharaesorn, the king's second son.
"It has become clear that the Thai royal family has encountered a succession crisis. One key to the survival of monarchies is the ability to have a sizable pool of competent successors. But none of Vajiralongkorn’s legitimate children have gotten married. With Bajrakitiyabha at her sickbed, Vajiralongkorn is under pressure to find a solution to break the succession deadlock. Vacharaesorn could possibly be chosen to fill the vacuum of succession. He is still single but certainly could still marry and produce offspring." Pavin Chachavalpongpun, founder of 112WATCH, wrote this in his latest op-ed at the Council on Foreign Relations on the homecoming of Vacharaesorn, the king's second son, who may help break the succession deadlock.