A Member of Anti-monarchist Musical Band "Fai Yen" Sentenced to 9 Years Imprisonment
Port is a member of an underground musical band "Fai Yen" known for its criticism of the monarchy. Other members of the band fled to France where they were granted refugee status.
August 15, 2022
The Thai Court has sentenced Parinya Cheevinkulpathom, or "Port Faiyen" 9-years imprisonment on lese-majeste charge based on his three statements posted on his personal Facebook page. Moreover, he has been charged with violating the Computer Crime Act for "entering misinformation" onto the Internet. He has been charged 3 years for each statement, totalling 9 years.
He cooperated with the police and hence the punishment was reduced from 9 to 6 years. The three statements concerned his alleged insult against the monarchy, his opinion on the failed coup attempt in Turkey and his posting of a song critical of the monarchy. Port is a member of an underground musical band "Fai Yen" known for its criticism against the monarchy. The other members of the band fled to France where they were granted refugee status.
ศาลสั่งจำคุก 9 ปี ‘พอร์ท ไฟเย็น’ ในคดี ม.112 จากการโพสต์เฟซบุ๊กพาดพิงสถาบั นกษัตริย์
ศาลอาญามีคำพิพากษาในวันที่ 15 ส.ค. 2565 สั่งจำคุก ‘พอร์ท’ ปริญญา ชีวินกุลปฐม นักดนตรีวง ‘ไฟเย็น’ เป็นเวลา 9 ปี ในคดี ม.112 และ พ.ร.บ.คอมพิวเตอร์ฯ ม.14(3) จากการถูกกล่าวหาว่าโพสต์เฟซบุ๊

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