Pavin 112Watch at George Washington University

112WATCH's advocacy in Canada and the USA, September & October 2024

From 15 September to 7 October 2024, 112WATCH founder, Pavin Chachavalpongpun, undertook overseas advocacy in Canada and the United States visiting seven cities.

October 13, 2024

112WATCH founder, Pavin Chachavalpongpun, undertook overseas advocacy in Canada and the United States in September and October 2024. He travelled to three cities in Canada – Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, and four cities in the US – Boston, New York City, Washington DC and Chicago.

The undertaking was one of Pavin's most successful North American advocacy trips with his work with 112WATCH.

Group photo of participants at the event in Toronto
Group photo of participants at the event in Toronto
Pavin speaking at the event in Toronto
Pavin speaking at the event in Toronto

Advocacy in Canada

In Toronto, Pavin held a meeting with the Thai community on 17 September. The meeting was held at “Friends House” which attracted about 100 participants. The large number of participants, mostly in their youth, is a testament of the growing Thai community in Canada.

The talk focused on the current Thai political development (royal succession) and the lese-majeste situation. Participants actively engaged in discussion with Pavin. Most were concerned with the worsened human rights situation back in Thailand.

In Montreal, Pavin was invited by Dr Erik Kuhonta of the Political Science Department at McGill University to give a lecture on the topic “Normalised Abnormalities in Today’s Thailand: Lese-majeste Crisis,” on 20 September 2024. There were about 15 participants who attened. Pavin’s talk concentrated on Article 112 and the role of state institutions in exploiting this law for their own political benefits.

Chachavalpongpun Talk_September 20_posterv1
Pavin at McGill University.
Pavin at McGill University.

Pavin also met with the Thai community in Montreal which about 40 people attending the event. The meeting took place at Mia Thai Cuisine on 20 September 2024.

Like in Toronto, the participants consisted of young Thais who are students in Montreal and young ex-pats. They are interested in strengthening their community and hoped to organise events to promote political activism in the future.

Mia Thai Cuisine.
Mia Thai Cuisine.

Advocacy in the United States

From Montreal, Pavin went to Boston where he delivered a talk and at the opening of a 112Watch exhibition. Boston was the main venue for his exhibition this year. It was titled, “There is a Deadman Inside,” an exhibition he collaborated with Nutdanai Jitbunjong, Y. P. Chakree and PrachathipaType.

Unlike last year’s exhibition, this exhibition focused on the issue of “transnational repression” using the cases of Thai dissidents overseas being killed, abducted, and forcedly disappeared. The exhibition was held at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government on 23 September, during which time Pavin also gave his speech in regard to the theme of the exhibition and the problem of transnational repression.

The exhibition interested a large number of Harvard students and those outside the university. The event also included a zoom call from a member of Prachathipatype from Bangkok who gave more details on the inspiration behind this exhibition.

In New York City, Pavin was invited by New York University to give a lecture on “Triple Trouble in Thailand under the Premiership of Paethongtarn Shinawatra,” on 26 September. The focus on the discussion was on the challenges facing the current government under Prime Minister Paethongtarn, in regard to her view of the lese-majeste law.

Pavin’s lecture at New York University

The final stop was Chicago. Pavin’s exhibition and talk was held at the Chicago's Japanese Cultural Center on 5 October 2024.

The talk was based on the idea behind the exhibition. But the discussion also involved diverse topics, from the political situation in Thailand, royal succession and the performance of the current government.

This was the end of his advocacy visit to the United States.

Chicago 112Watch 2024 2
Chicago 112Watch 2024 3
Chicago 112Watch 2024 1
Chicago 112Watch 2024 4


Site artwork by PrachathipaType

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