112WATCH Condemns the Dissolution of the Move Forward Party
112WATCH and other pro-democracy organisations jointly condemn the dissolution of the Move Forward Party by the Constitutional Court.
August 8, 2024

112WATCH and other pro-democracy organisations jointly condemn the dissolution of the Move Forward Party by the Constitutional Court. This is the latest setback of Thai democracy. It is also a manifestation of the urgent need for Thai society to collectively find a solution to the problem with lese-majeste law.
The progressive Move Forward Party, which placed first in the national election of last year, was forced to dissolve by the Thai Constitutional court on Wednesday. The court claimed that the party had violated the constitution by suggesting a change to a provision that forbade defaming the nation's royal family.
The party's proposed amendment to Article 112, known as the lese-majeste law, during the campaign amounted to an attempt to topple the country's constitutional monarchy, according to the Constitutional Court, which unanimously decided to disband the party.
After leading the polls, the Move Forward Party was denied a chance to establish a government because the Senate, which was then a conservative body selected by the military, would not support its nominee for prime minister.
This is not the first time the Constitutional Court intervened in Thai politics. It is apparent that the Thai court has been working on behalf of the royal institution in eliminating its opponents, and has exploited the lese-majeste law to legitimise the dissolution of political parties.
Thailand is at risk of becoming a failed state given that its judicial system has been dangerously politicised. 112WATCH and other pro-democracy organisations urge the Thai government to seriously consider immediate reform of Article 112 as a way to protect Thai democracy and defend human rights.
8 August 2024
112WATCH, in solidarity with:
The Australian Alliance for Democracy
Thai Rights Now (USA)
The Thai Democratic Movement in Canada
Thai EU for Democracy
Norway Freedom for Thai Democracy
The ASEAN Feminist Community Barcelona
Free Thai Movement in the Netherlands